Anna Farkas (DLA)

Budapest, 1971
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Doctoral School
Hungarian University of Fine Arts, BA & MA
Graphic Design Departmanent

Society of Hungarian Graphic Designers and Typographers (MATT) founder and presidency member


Graphis, Design Annual 2025, Silver Award, Badacsony, USA 2024
Graphis, Design Annual 2025, Silver Award, Gátak, USA 2024
Graphis, Poster Annual 2025
, Silver Award, MOMŰ, USA 2024
Graphis, Poster Annual 2025, Silver Award, Gátak, USA 2024
Hungarian Book Design 2023, Shortlisted, 2024
Graphis, Design Annual 2024, Silver Award, USA 2023
awda, aiap women in design award, 5th edition, shortlisted, IT 2023
szép magyar könyv 2022’, ‘mkke’ special prize, 2023
Szép Magyar Könyv 2021’, ‘László Tamás’ special prize, 2022
Graphis, Packaging 10
, Silver Award, usa 2022
RGB Kreatív Design Award, Green, 2021
Graphis, Design Annual 2022, Gold Award, USA 2021
Graphis, Poster Annual 2022, Gold Award, USA 2021
Graphis, Design Annual 2021, Silver Award, USA 2020
Red Dot: Grand Prix, Brands & Communication Design, Publishing & Print Media, 2020
Award of Excellence, 61st Design Annual, Communication Arts, USA 2020
TDC. Certificate of Typographic Excellence, egy. logo, USA 2020
TDC. Certificate of Typographic Excellence, leipzig book fair 2019 (Anna Farkas, Miklós Batisz), USA 2020
Golden Drawing Pin Award (Anna Farkas, Miklós Batisz), 2019
AIGA’s 50 Books | 50 Covers competition winner, 2019
A’ Design Award & Competition, Silver winner, 2019
9th Wolda, Worldwide Logo Design Award, Gold Award, 2018
9th Wolda, Worldwide Logo Design Award, Award of Excellence, 2018
Graphis, Design Annual 2019, Gold Award, USA 2018
Graphis, Typography4, Silver Award, USA 2018
TDC. Certificate of Typographic Excellence, USA 2018
IDA Design Awards, Gold winner 2017, USA 2018
3. ArtHungry Award, Graphic & Design, 3rd prize, 2017
‘Szép Magyar Könyv 2016’, certificate, 2017
Gregor International Calendar Award, Award of Excellence, 2017
Hungarian Design Award, 2016
Innovation by Design Awards
, Finalist, Fast Company, USA 2016
Award of Excellence, 57th Design Annual, Communication Arts, USA 2016
Red Dot Award, Communication Design, Publishing & Print Media, 2015
German Design Award Nominee 2016, 2015
Award of Excellence, 5th Typography Annual, Communication Arts, USA 2015
Graphis, Design Annual 2015, Silver Award USA 2014
XIX. Hungarian Graphic Design Biennale, First Prize Awarded by the Ministry of Human Resources, 2014
Red Dot Award, Communication Design, Corporate Identity (Róbert Gács, Anna Farkas, Gergő Cuba), 2014
Award of Excellence, 55th Design Annual, Communication Arts, USA 2014
Holder of the Ferenczy Noémi Award, 2014
Hungarian Design Award, Special Prize Awarded by the State Secretariat for Culture of the Ministry of Human Resources, 2013
Award of Excellence, 2nd Typography Annual Exhibition, Communication Arts, USA 2012
Hungarian Design Award, Special Prize Awarded by the State Secretariat for Culture of the Ministry of National Resources, 2011
MATT Goetheorie Competition, Special Prize Awarded by the ‘Magyar Goethe Társaság’, 2010
Golden Drawing Pin Award, 2007
EULDA’07, European Logo Design Annual, Award Winner, 2007
‘Műkép’ (III. National Biennale of Digital Graphic Design), Third Prize, 1998
‘Műkép’ (II. National Biennale of Digital Graphic Design), First Prize and Public Award, 1996
X. Hungarian Graphic Design Biennale, Békéscsaba, Special Prize Awarded by the ‘Nemzeti Kulturális Alap’, 1996


Visual Grammar No1., Dóra Balla, MOME, Budapest 2017, ‘Szabó Magda könyvei’, online 2017
All Around Us, Applied Arts and Design, Kunsthalle Budapest 2017
M5, ‘Új idők új dalai – Így születik a logó’, Budapest 2017
Duna TV, ‘Ridikül, Magyar találmányok, szellemi hungarikumok’, Budapest 2017, anaptár, online 2016
‘Aranynapok’ interview with Anna Farkas, Budapest 2016
Hungarian Design Award, mini interview with Anna Farkas, budapest 2016
Phenom’enon, Anaptár, Budapest 2015
We Love Budapest interview with Anna Farkas, Budapest 2015
Explore Our Cosmic Neighborhood With This Gorgeous Scientific Calendar, Gizmodo 2015
Age of Artists interview with Anna Farkas, Budapest 2015, anaptár, online 2015, about tame collection, online 2015
Hellodesign interview with Anna Farkas, Budapest 2015, about anaptár, online 2015, about anaptár, online 2015
Communication Arts, Typography Annual 5, USA 2015
Design and Design Book of the Year, Volume Seven, Paris 2015
Graphis, Design Annual 2015, USA 2014
International Yearbook Communication Design, RedDot, Germany 2014
Communication Arts, Design Annual 55, USA 2014
Hungarian Design Award, catalogue, Budapest 2014
Hungarian Design Yearbook 2013, MOME Budapest 2014
LogoLounge 8, Rockport USA 2014
Ybl200, catalogue, Budapest 2014
‘Kortárs magyar formatervezés’, Budapest 2014
NeighbourArt interview with Anna Farkas and Miklós Batisz, Budapest 2014
Design and Design Book of the Year, Volume Six, Paris 2014
Homes & Gardens, United Kingdom 2013
ELLE Decoration, Netherlands 2013
‘Magyar Grafika, Farkas Anna – Egy tervezőgrafikus útja…’, LVII/6., Budapest 2013
‘Magyar Grafika, Nő-vér-vonal’, LVII/5., Budapest 2013
Enspire interview with Anna Farkas, Budapest 2013
‘Babérkoszorú’, interview with Anna Farkas, Budapest 2013
‘Designerek három dimenzióban’, interview with Anna Farkas, Budapest 2013
‘Nő-vér-vonal · hommage à Bruno Munari’, catalogue, Budapest 2013
Hungarian Design Award, catalogue, Budapest 2013
Icon, United Kingdom 2013
Tent London Show Guide, Shapes of Hungary, London 2013
Design and Design Book of the Year, Volume Five, Barcelona 2012
Urban Folk, MATT Exhibition Catalogue, Budapest 2012
Hungarian Design Award, catalogue, Budapest 2012
bio.23, Design Relations, Biennial of Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2012
LogoLounge 7, Rockport USA 2012
Design and Design Book of the Year, Volume Four, Barcelona 2012
LogoLounge—Master Library 4, Rockport USA 2012, ‘A 7 grafikusa: Farkas Anna’ online 2012
Communication Arts, Typography Annual Two, USA 2012
Music to My Eyes, MATT Exhibition Catalogue, Budapest 2011
Hungarian Design Award, catalogue, Budapest 2011
LogoLounge 6, Rockport USA 2011
Design and Design Book of the Year, Volume Three, Barcelona 2011
Goetheorie, MATT Exhibition Catalogue, Budapest 2010
Hungarian Design Award, Catalogue, Budapest 2010
Budapest Design Week, Open Studios: Anagraphic, online 2010, anaptár 2010, online 2010
LogoLounge—Master Library 1, Rockport USA 2010
LogoLounge 5, Rockport USA 2009
‘Zavar? Tervezd át!’, MATT Exhibition Catalogue, Budapest 2009
The Renaissance of the Type, MATT Catalogue, Budapest 2008
Helvetica in Hungary, MATT Exhibition Catalogue, Budapest 2007
Graphicum, Graphic Design in Hungary, Budapest 2007
EULDA, European Logo Design Annual, Milan 2007
‘Plaká’, Book, Budapest 2006
‘Emblé’, Book, Budapest 2004
Applied Arts Exhibition, Catalogue, Budapest 2001
Postscript, Book, Budapest 1999
X=XX 20 years of the Hungarian Graphic Design, Book, Budapest 1998
X–XIX. Hungarian Graphic Design Biennale, Catalogues, Budapest 1996–2014


Blickfang, Fise, Wien 2016
Hungarian Design Award, Museum of Applied Arts 2016
AIAP Woman in Design Award exhibition, Milano 2016
Shapes of Hungary, Vilnius, Lithuania 2016
MEED + Made in Hungary, Új Budapest Galéria 2014
Shapes of Hungary, FISE 2014
Hungarian Design Award, Museum of Applied Arts 2014
Design on Display, Mono Fashion 2014
Designjunction London, Shapes of Hungary, The Sorting Office 2014
Ybl200, MÉSZ, Budapest 2014
Formes d’Hongria
, Disseny Hub Barcelona 2014
Hungarian Object, Palmetta Gallery 2014
‘Jeles!’, Hegyvidék Gallery 2014
‘Ajándékterminál’, Design Terminal 2013
4–13. Golden Drawing Pin, Budapest 2005–2014
‘Nő-vér-vonal · hommage à Bruno Munari’, Istituto Italiano di Cultura 2013
Hungarian Design Award, Kunsthalle Budapest 2013
MEED + Made in Hungary, VAM Design Center 2013
Tent London, Shapes of Hungary, Old Truman Brewery 2013
Brussels Design September, Urban Folk, Balassi Institute 2013
Tr(End of Print)—Homage to Books, National Széchényi Library 2012
Urban Folk, Design Terminal 2012
Hungarian Design Award, Museum of Applied Arts 2012
bio.23, Biennial of Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2012
‘Megvalósult művek’, Museum of Applied Arts 2011
Music to My Eyes, Design Terminal 2011
X–XVII. Hungarian Graphic Design Biennale, Békéscsaba and Budapest 1996–2012
Hungarian Design Award, Museum of Applied Arts 2011
Goetheorie, Design Terminal 2010
‘A plakátművészet nézőpontja‘, Gallery of Nemzeti Táncszínház 2010
Hungarian Design Award, Museum of Ethnography 2010
Logos in Black and White, Budapest 2006 and Sopron 2009
The Renaissance of the Type, Budapest 2008
Craft & Design, Museum of Applied Arts 2008
Signs, Budapest 2008
Kassák 120, Kassák Museum 2007
Helvetica in Hungary, Budapest 2007
‘Trakta’, Vigadó 2002
Applied Arts Exhibition, Kunsthalle Budapest 2001
Postscript, Budapest 1999
‘Műkép‘, II–III. National Biennale of Digital Graphic Design 1996–1998


Association of Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists (MKISZ)
Society of Hungarian Graphic Designers and Typographers (MATT)